Wines from Medicinal Herbs and Berries - Variety - Strawberry

Embark on a journey of health and discover exceptional wines made from medicinal herbs and berries from Pereg and Miluron wineries, which have won awards at major global wine competitions such as the Great American International Wine Competition, Terravino Israel, and the Finger Lakes International Wine Competition.

These delicious wines made from chokecherry, currants and other medicinal herbs and berries are not only a delightful gourmet experience, but also a rich source of health benefits. Thanks to their high content of antioxidants, vitamins and other valuable components, they support a healthy lifestyle, strengthen immunity and contribute to overall vitality.

Enjoy the harmony of nature in every glass and enjoy not only the great taste but also the beneficial effects of these exceptional wines, which are the epitome of quality and health.

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